My Best Friend

I picked up the phone to punch in her number.

Me – ‘Hello’

She – ‘Hey how are you?’

Me – ‘Not having a good day!’

She – ‘What happened?’

Me – ‘Don’t know, what should I do?’

She – ‘ Meet for coffee now?’

She was busy with her toddler, she knew my mental health was fragile, she took the time out.

Relationships are equally precious and fragile and everyone should be blessed with that friend who is aware and available, at times. Better still try to be one to someone else.

I have made and lost a lot of friends on my journey till now. With some I had reasons as to why the relationship faded away, but with most I had none. Many a times I have felt like giving up on this relationship altogether. However, I still have hope, my best friend is out there somewhere.

Can’t take it any more!

shallow focus of a woman's sad eyes

Done and dusted so I thought for the day, as i picked up the phone to read a new message. It was my brother informing me that my parents are unreachable as there is no net connection and there is also some power outage. My children both listen to my mother narrating them bedtime stories before going to bed. It is a nice way to connect the kids with their grandparents especially while the pandemic raged on, and there is no other way to reach out!

Immediately i felt disturbed, my kids a little disheartened, as they were in the midst of a particularly good story. In times of isolation, away from friends and miles away from my parents, depression is like a wave always ready to engulf me in a tick. Hard it was to carry on with normal routine, the new normal that is, however we adapt and establish a new normal.

I reside in another continent where the country leaders have decided to gather courage and go back to reopening schools, cafes and pubs however with restrictions. The directive offered a glimmer of hope that shortly I will be able to travel and meet my parents.

However, there were other plans in store in other parts of the world as my city and place where I grew up got lashed by a cyclone, a cyclone so fierce it wreaked havoc in its wake. Buildings destroyed, trees uprooted, houses smashed, phenomenal damage as the pictures show. My heart grew heavy with worry and concern for my aged parents. All i got from my father was a video showing the morning after, from his balcony. Then there was silence as all means of communication had shut down.

So far away, another worry, another thought, another cause to mentally untangle and get swept away by that wave of depression and anxiety. It seems nature is out to take revenge for all the indiscretions that we have committed for so many years.

A silent prayer sent out from my heart, a wish that things return to some normal, as I wake up to another day! Wondering how long can I hold on, wondering how to be happy again!