Domestic James Bond

Mr and Mrs. Sengupta decided to retire for the night. It was a long tiring day, Mr. Sengupta had a tough time at work and Mrs. Sengupta was already half asleep. The clock on the mantel piece read 9 pm. Too early!!

In their bedroom, both switched on their bedside lamps, took out their current read and started reading. Mrs. Sengupta however had enough, she was tired and her eyes were closing. She kept away her book, took off her glasses and tucked herself deep inside her blanket. It was a cold night.

While lying down she noticed she hadn’t taken out her earrings! Well lazily she decided to do it while lying down. The earring was a small, round piece. Her clumsy movements and the earring got stuck inside her ear. Oh, No! she shrieked. ‘Help me Mr. Sengupta, the earring is going down my ear.’

Out jumped Mr.Sengupta , just like James Bond to the rescue. He dipped his fingers, to no avail, all the while managing to keep his hands steady as Mrs. Sengupta kept on howling loudly! As if someone had died.

After a short while, which seemed like ages to the petrified Mrs. Sengupta, the earring was out. Phew! Mumbled Mr. Sengupta.

‘That’s all for today, I have had enough!’, saying he turned over on his side, switched off the light and tucked himself inside his blanket.

Mrs. Sengupta, chuckled to herself and thanked God. As Mr. Sengupta shook his head and prayed that the rest of the night passes by smoothly.

Image result for james bond cartoon



When Barbie had a Paratha!

Mimi was hungry, she was back from school and it was snack time.

Mom had made some Parathas, Mimi loved it.

After polishing off some, it was time to look at her Barbies!

There were 20 of them, all in various stages of getting ready for a party.

Mimi looked carefully surely ‘Elsa’ and ‘Milly’ looked tired.

After having a brief conversation about their health,

she rushed down to discuss it with mom.

Mom and Mimi discussed at length, on the condition of Elsa and Milly,

they looked tired and dejected, Mimi stated.

The solution Mimi proposed was simple….

‘I think they need to eat some Parathas!’, with a glee in her eyes.

Mom thought that the Parathas were too big for them,

so Mimi suggested that they should be small like a dot on a plate.

So there, mom made the dots duly rolling and frying them.

Mimi carried them upstairs for the very tired Barbies.

After a couple of minutes what followed was a sweet song.

Mom was chuckling to herself.

When  Barbie had a Paratha, what followed was a sweet song!
