Hanging clothes

I know the world has moved forward and now we wash clothes in a machine and dry them in a machine too! Well mostly, if you live in those parts of the world where the sun plays hide and seek or the weather changes at the drop of a hat!

So, the other day when the sun was shining brightly in the sky, I decided to hang my clothes out to dry. It felt so good, as I took out each piece of wet cloth and hung them out in an orderly manner. After I finished hanging them out, I took a good look at my backyard and it felt warm and welcoming. Suddenly the sight of hanging clothes in the backyard made the house seem like a home! Home, a warm, welcoming space which offers comfort and protection, not only from the world outside but from the world within. As Covid rages on, consuming people, life and ways of the world, our world within is also full of storm. Therefore the need of the hour is to turn our houses into home.

Hanging clothes that day gave me that window, clothes of different colours, shapes and sizes comforted me that I have people who live with me and love me. That there could be laughter and togetherness in all situations. The formal and the informal clothes made me aware that we are still going about our daily routines and the need to be grateful. The different colours made me understand that we still have colours in the world but we need to focus elsewhere to find it! The act in itself, when I decided where to hang what, implied I still had control over my life. A fistful of happiness.

Who knew that a simple task of hanging out the clothes could be a moment of introspection for me!