Art heals

So, my journey with art started when i got inspired by a project in school, where I had to be in charge of a few students to whom some artwork was assigned. I always had a creative streak within me and art was one such outlet which revealed to me in bits and bursts.

At this point I was mentally going through a very rough phase and my personal life was in shambles. On an impulsive drive one day, i stopped at the local art shop and bought a bunch of supplies, they were expensive but i was eager to give it a go. The process of giving form to each of my idea, albeit borrowed, made my mind a trifle less perturbed. It also encouraged my kids to produce work of their own.

Displayed here are some of my attempts at art.

copyright Suparna

Acrylic on canvas followed by using embroidery thread to form the faces.

copyright Suparna
copyright Suparna

As each artwork formed, my mind seemed a little more in peace. My problems have not vanished, yet the moments when i sit down and dabble with my brush, offers me an oasis of calm.

Food for thought, what works for you in troubled times? Would love to know your ideas on this.